Repeatedly called into question, and as old as the world, the low intensity steady state(LISS) cardio done for long periods of time is a constant subject of controversy.Today we I will try to systematize the issues around it in an article, without claiming to be able to cover everything on the topic.
Benefits of cardio training
The widely known benefits from cardiovascular exercise.
- Cardio reduces the percentage of body fat and helps in the fight to overthrow the extra pounds;
- Improve the heart and cardiovascular function;
- Improves circulation, thus improving muscle performance and because of the increased blood flow the removal of toxins becomes easier.
- Reduces stress and the risk of diabetes;
- Increases stamina, physical strength, endurance and improves the condition of the body;
- Improves metabolism;
- Stimulates the lungs and increases their capacity, improves rested breathing;
- Reduces blood pressure and influences the normalization of cholesterol levels.
Cardio can definitely be classified as a benefit.Cardio dramatically enhances the activity of the pituitary gland and helps our bodies create a lot more growth hormone - the hormone of youth and a strong immune system. However if we do not balance our training with rest, nutrition and recovery, cardiovascular training can lead to unwanted side effects like loss of muscle mass and slower fat loss.
Long cardio
Its still often argued that the longer the cardio workout, the more fat burned, so the longer our workout the better the benefits right? It's true, that the burning of fat does not start immediately, the process is preceded by the usage of other energy sources first, and really begins after the first 15-20 minutes of exercise.
However doing cardio until complete exhaustion for an hour or more, is definitely not a guarantee that you will burn only the unwanted fat, there is a guarantee however that by doing so you will drive your body in a catabolic state, which will lead to you losing not only fat, but muscle mass as well, on top of that you will be slowing down your metabolism.
This in turn will make fat loss more difficult in the future. By this I don't mean that cardio should be really low intensity or that you shouldn't do it at all, because that will not bring you the desired effects.
With a properly structured workout routine that includes weight training and cardio, a good diet, enough recovery time and the consideration of several important cardio factors (duration, intensity level, heart rate and the right time to do cardio) achieving your personal goals will be only be a matter of time.
Negatives of prolonged cardiovascular workouts
Like anything else, cardio too has two sides, one carrying its positives and the other one its negatives:
- possible loss of muscle mass;
- possible injury from over training or poor running technique(or other form of cardio exercise);
- not an effective way to build muscle mass.
These side effects are not a mandatory part of your fitness routine, to avoid them you must be careful with how spend your time in the gym. Keep in mind that when doing low intensity steady state cardio (60-80% of your maximum heart rate) you're also often training with minimal effectiveness.
Lately one of the most effective forms of cardio has increased in popularity: the HIIT(high intensity interval training). It accelerates the metabolism and the burning of calories for several hours after training. I'll talk more about the HIIT in another post.
Common mistakes
- "The more you sweat during a workout , the more calories you will burn." I'm sure you've heard this one many times.I've even seen someone wrap themselves with plastic bags in hope of burning more fat.There is no truth to this one at all. The only thing you could achieve by using methods to increase sweating is dehydrate your body.
- Also, do not be fooled into thinking that by spending a little more time on the treadmill you can let yourself eat a lot more. Not all foods can be easily "burned off" on the treadmill, some foods are just too calorie dense( nuts, chips, sweets , chocolate , etc.) .Nobody can afford to spend one hour and a half in the gym doing cardio to burn off the unnecessary junk food! If you are indeed finding yourself in need to do hours of cardio every day, you might want to change your diet instead. Doing hoours and hours of cardio daily especially if you're unprepared will lead to over training, which in turn will lead to injuries.
It is important to remember that if you're doing cardio to lose fat, the fat burning process will start 15-20 minutes into the workout.
What is the best duration?
Clearly, it varies depending on ones goals, but more than 60-70 minutes of cardio a day I would define as counter-productive , especially if you are not getting enough protein , water and calories.
The optimal duration is usually about 30-40 minutes.
The duration of your cardio workouts shouldn't only depend on your goals, but your experience as well.
Beginners can start with two sets of 10-12 minutes and try to reach a set of 25 minutes. The American College of Sports and Medicine recommends conducting cardio workouts up to 30 minutes, 4 or 5 times a week.
According to many surveys from the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2010 in Montreal during a marathon the blood flow to the muscles is restricted, severe dehydration occurs and significant parts of the heart do not function at 100%.
This, of course, is reversible with proper rest and a consistent training regime. We all know that regular physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease , but in a marathon, at the time of running the cardiac risk is increased greatly. So think twice before staying on the treadmill for two hours straight.
While it is indeed gaining more fans, it is appropriate to mention that the HIIT cardio is not for everyone.Low intensity steady state cardio is also among the most successful methods for training and combating/preventing obesity.
There is tons of evidence that suggests obesity may be the result of a very slight imbalance of energy. Therefore, even a small amount of casual exercise or activity if done consistently and not compensated for by eating more food, can turn the tide in our fight against obesity.
Although high intensity cardio works fast, it does not mean that LISS cardio is useless.
If your goal is endurance for example, low intensity steady state cardio is what you need to do, it has been proven that LISS cardio is much more effective in increasing endurance than it's impatient brother HIIT.
LISS cardio can be very, very useful and if you don't overdo it, it will enhance your health.
Again I'm not trying to bash on low intensity cardio, what I'm trying to do is show that too much of that cardio can indeed be dangerous.
Health exchanged for sport results
It has been proven that doing cardio for very long periods of time worsens muscle tissue and lowers testosterone levels. Prolonged monotonous cardio affects cortisol levels and often is accompanied by suppression of the immune system. Often marathon runners with solid experience appear more susceptible to colds and respiratory infections after the race due to altered levels of cortisol .
According to a study from the Department of Medical Research, Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden that
covered 5,755 participants in 90km ski racing runs, held over the period of 1998-2005.
Hospitalized participants were free of cardiovascular diseases, but were received for possible arrhythmia and other secondary outcomes. It was found that those who competed in the most events and those which had the best times were at a higher risk of arrhythmia .
Which one is better: HIIT or LISS?
Different people, different goals, opinions and preferences.
There will always be supporters of both types of cardio.And most will claim that one is better than the other.
But why don't we try both?Why don't we do the low intensity longer cardio combined with the high intensity interval training?
Set your goals and devote the necessary time and energy to achieve them!
Some of us simply want to improve our health, some want to lose weight and others are trying to get ready for a competition.
The answer is simple, really.
Train smart, be disciplined, set goals, give your self enough rest and do not sacrifice your health for results.