Training as hard as you can, destroying yourself in the gym and training for 4 hours every day will not give you better results(If you're natural, if you're on steroids disregard this post).Sometimes in bodybuilding LESS IS MORE.So let's talk about overtraining
When does over training happen?
Over training occurs when the body fails to recover after a hard workout.The reason may be in too heavy workouts, short rest or poor diet.
During weight training, muscle fibers are torn, then with good resting, proper nutrition and intake of bodybuilding supplements an increase muscle fibers occurs (hypertrophy).
With overtraining, once torn muscle fibers fail to regenerate, then rip again - resulting in weakening of muscles and loss of muscle mass.
In severe and prolonged training body releases cortisol (catabolic hormone), a hormone that prevents muscle recovery, decreases testosterone levels in the body, preventing protein synthesis and prevents the body from burning fat.
The problem of overtraining and recovery is not always in training, nutrition and recovery.
Daily stress, to which we are subjected, is among the most important factors influencing negatively on the recovery of the body.You can follow the best workout program, get the best supplements, use the very best burning fat techniques,but the results will never be the same if you're under stress.What i love about fitness is that you go in the gym stressed, angry etc.And you go out with a clear state of mind.When you go in to the weight room you forget about all your problems and you just focus on training it really is amazing.
Often, in an effort to achieve the desired results one seeks to train more and more. Is this the right thing to do to get results faster?
Most often overtraining is seen in beginners who desire to achieve quick results, spend a few hours in the gym, trying to do everything.
Too heavy workouts weaken the immunity of the body.
The most common mistakes
- Training every muscle group each workout. Training a muscle group too often not only will not give greater results, but also prevents the recovery of the muscle thus making you LOSE MUSCLE;
- Poor nutrition before and after training;
- Implementation of too many sets per muscle group in one workout;
- Too short rest time between sets;
- Insufficient sleep;
- Wrong choice of exercises and their sequence;
- Systematic abuse of alcohol and cigarettes.

Signs of overtraining
- Fatigue;
- Lack of motivation;
- Aching muscles or joints;
- Muscle stiffness;
- Irritability;
- Disturbed sleep;
- Loss of appetite;
- Fatigue;
- Recovery problems;
- Depression;
- Decrease in performance;
Common injuries;
- Menstrual disorders;
- Unquenchable thirst (especially at night);
- A higher than normal heart rate (especially in the morning);
- Weakening of the immune system;
- Loss of body weight.
What to change?
Above all - ensure sufficient rest of the body. If you overtrain, your best choice is to stop training for a while (about a week) and give your body a good rest.Discontinuation of training will be accompanied by some loss of form, but not much if you continue to train despite the accumulated fatigue.
The next step is to review your way of training, nutrition and recovery and to find out where you are doing it wrong.
Give enough rest days to recover each muscle group, depending on its type and purpose of your workouts.
Make sure you are getting sufficient macro and micro nutrients.If you can't accquire them through traditional foods consider using fitness supplements.
How to avoid overtraining?
- Never train so hard that it makes your workout displeasurable
- Do not look for quick results.
- 2-3 times a year do a complete break from training for a week.(I'll be having a post about deloads soon)
- Rest - give your body the chance to recover and prepare for the next sets / workout.
- Planning - the proper distribution of breaks is essential. Always do a preliminary plan for training or training week.
- Do not exceed the capacity of your body - if you're trying to work beyond the ability of your body you will most likely be over exhausted or you will get unwanted injury.
- Get no less than eight hours sleep a day.
- Be sure to obtain all nutrients that your body needs.
- If you're having problems with recovery take nutritional supplements tailored to your needs.
- Massage or sauna once a week can improve your recovery.
- The best protection against over-training is a combination of rest and proper recovery of your body through proper diet and supplements.
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ReplyDeleteOvertraining can keep you away from the gym for a long time, and stop any progress in muscle growth. That's why knowing your limits is a great tips to follow up.
ReplyDeleteThat's why understanding your boundaries is a sound advice to follow along with up.
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