Sunday, November 10, 2013

Salt.Different Types and Benefits

Most people do not differentiate between potassium and sodium salt.Many don't even wonder what salt actually is.They only know that it gives a tangy flavor to food, making it more palatable, which often results in the use of too much salt and that can make it unhealthy.

Apart from being a flavor enhancer in the food industry, salt is also used for conservation of fish and meats.

In the science of food and nutrition the taste "salty" is considered one of the five basic tastes, determined from the taste buds in the mouth.

The remaining four flavors are: sweet, bitter, sour and "tasteless", i.e. "indefinable taste" (a very special sense of taste after the consumption of glutamic acid).

Sodium salt

This is the "normal salt". It makes up the bulk of the worlds salt consumption.

Nowadays, however, the salt for food flavoring is a mixture of different types of salts.

Chemical formula: NaCl
Functions: supplies the body with sodium, takes part in the regulation of intracellular pressure and water.
Effects: over consumption of sodium chloride will result in an increased sense of thirst and water retention in the cells, which leads to edemas and hypertension.

There is evidence that intense workouts that cause sweating for more than an hour, increase the trainees desire to consume salt for the 12 hours following the workout, with an average of 50% increase.
This phenomenon is attributed to the loss of salt during sweating. More recent studies suggest a link between salt intake and metabolism.
Recommended dose for adolescents and adults:

  • Recommendations in the UK: up to 4 g salt (99 % NaCl) or 1.6 grams of sodium per day, as the maximum safe amount is considered to be 6 g.
  • Recommendations in Canada: up to 3.5 g salt (99 % NaCl) or 1.5 grams of sodium per day, the maximum safe amount here is 5.5g.
  • Recommendations in the USA: under 5.8 g salt (99 % NaCl) per day.

The toxic dose for adults is: more than 12.357g per kilogram of body weight.

Potassium salt

Besides the fact it is naturally occurring in many vegetables, the potassium salt is often incorporated in combination with sodium salt.

Its aim is to balance the water in the body.

Chemical formula: KCl
Functions: supplies the body with potassium, which in turn balances cellular pressure along with sodium and calcium.
Effects: taken alongside sodium salt (66% potassium , 33% sodium) and a diet high in sodium, the potassium salt balances the water balance in the body.

Taken by itself the potassium salt has a diuretic effect, i.e. results in a loss of water and calcium excretion .

Too much potassium is dangerous because it can lead to life-threatening conditions like: dehydration, massive muscle cramping and a heart attack.
Dose for adolescents and adults:

  • Average dose per day: 0.2 g / kg
  • Maximum dose per day : 1 g / kg

Iodized salt

Iodized salt is used for the prevention of an iodine deficiency.Such a deficiency can be achieved by eating food with insufficient iodine(foods grown in iodine-poor soil) or radioactive contaminants.

Iodine deficiency leads to thyroid problems, the thyroid gland is responsible for many important functions regarding the body's metabolism.

Most table salts contain up to 1% of iodine salts.

Chemical formula: KI or NaI
Effect: Supplies the body with iodine and potassium/sodium.

  • Children: 15-35 mg
  • Adults: 130 mg

Fluoridated salt

This type of salt is used in many countries in Europe where fluoridation of the drinking water is not a common practice.

Fluoride is important for dental health. Therefore, in most countries with non-fluoridated drinking water, the addition of potassium or sodium fluoride in the combined and regular salt is a common practice.

Chemical formula: KF or NaF
Effects: Supplies the body with fluorine and potassium/sodium
Dose for adolescents and adults:
Scientists worldwide are seriously divided on the recommended fluorine dosage.

The differences are not only in terms of the average daily dose, but also regard the toxic and the lethal doses of fluoride.

Therefore I can't really publish exact values.

This substance is also in almost every toothpaste.

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