The benefits of using caffeine as a pre workout supplement are immense.
Many studies have been made about the caffeine affect on weight training and sports.
And it is the cheapest bodybuilding supplement around.And it is the most used substance on the planet which makes it extremely easy to get.Many of the diet pills have caffeine as the their main substance.
What is caffeine?
Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that is a psychoactive stimulant drug. Caffeine was discovered by a German chemist, Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, in 1819. He coined the term ''kaffein'', a chemical compound in coffee, which in English became ''caffeine''.
Here are some of the benefits of caffeine:
*Increases muscle strength.
*Increased stamina.
*Increases metabolism by breaking down fat and freeing fatty acids which causes fat burning.
*Reduces pain.
*Reduced muscle soreness.
*Caffeine can relieve post workout pain by as much as 48%
*If mixed with carbohydrates it replenishes muscle glycogen faster after a workout
*Weight lifters that used caffeine as a pre-workout have been able to do more repetitions on the bench
press.Another study shows that they weight lifters were able to use 5 more pounds on the bench press.
*Increased mental clarity.This is a very important factor.Your ability to concentrate better in the gym will greatly improve your results and performance.
Caffeine is available in pills or coffees.And in caffeine more doesn't mean better, it has been proven that 200mg is the optimal amount, anything more than that will have little to no effect.
But excessive amounts of caffeine can have some nasty side effects like:
*High blood pressure
*Rapid heartbeat
*Stomach instability
Taking caffeine regardless of your workout program/workout routine/sport will increase your ability to results and performance and will help you build muscle.
I recommend taking caffeine ONLY before your workouts for an increased effect.If you are drinking coffees every day it's effect will decrease rapidly and it may lead to caffeine addiction.
Taking caffeine as pills has been proven to be more effective but i drink mine cause i simply enjoy coffee a lot :) It's your choice.