First the easiest workout that you should start doing after you are able to do 10+ push ups and at least 1 pull up.
Requirements >10 push ups 1 pull up.
Day 1 Chest+triceps+abs:
Start off with wide grip push ups 3 sets of 12/10/8.
Followed by 3-4 sets of bench dips with feet on another bench 10-15 reps(really focus on form here) after which 1 set Negative dips shoulder width grip and end by shoulder width push ups(you will probably have to do them on your knees)1 high rep. set End the workout with crunches and leg raises sets and reps to your liking.
Day 2:Biceps and back:
10 sets of shoulder width pull ups with palms facing face or the way most people like to call them chin ups 10 sets of your max reps.If you are able to do just one you go like 10 sets of 1.As it gets harder start getting your hands closer it will make it easier.Switch to negatives when you can't do them anymore.Followed by biceps hammer curls 2 sets of 8-12 with a light dumbbell(If you do not own one i suggest buying they're really cheap or just do an easy pulling movement at shoulder width grip.
Continue for the rest of the week have a rest day after 6 days of working out.
Requirements> 20 push ups 10 pull ups.
Day 1 chest/triceps/abs:
Dips 3 sets of 8-12reps.(switch to negatives when you can't continue with good form)
Slow push ups 2 sets of 8-12 reps.
Wide grip push ups 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
Hip push ups 3 sets until failure.
Crunches+leg raises to your liking.
Day 2 biceps/back:
2 sets of wide grip pull ups 8-12reps.
1 set of chin ups 8-12reps.
1 set of close grip chin ups 8-12 reps.
Requirements> 15 dips 15 pull ups.
Day 1 chest/triceps/abs:
3 Super sets of:Dips 8-12 reps + 8-10 Wide grip push ups.
3sets of Body weight skull crushers of 6-10 reps.
Slow push ups until failure.
Crunches+leg raises to your liking.
Day 2
3 sets of wide grip pull ups 8-12 reps
1 set of chin ups 8-12 reps
1 set of close grip chin ups 8-12 reps.
Those workouts are to build consistency, strenght and gain muscle without weights so you can join the gym and be able to perform all of the exercises and it gives the opportunity of learning the importance of rest/form/nutrition before actually joining the gym.Which reduces the risk of injury and so on.I suggest eating a fast digestive carbohydrate meal and drinking at least a liter of water 1-2 hours prior to working out.
Here are the three workout programs summarised.
3 sets Wide grip push ups 12/10/8.
4 sets Bench dips with feet on a bench 8-12.
1 set of negative dips.
1 set of knee shoulder width push ups until failure.
Crunches and leg raises to your liking.
Day 2:
10 sets of chin ups.
2 sets of lightweight hammer curls 8-12 reps.
Requirements> 20 push ups 10 pull ups.
Day 1:
Dips 3 sets of 8-12reps.
Slow push ups 2 sets of 8-12 reps.
Wide grip push ups 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
Hip push ups 3 sets until failure.
Crunches+leg raises to your liking.
Day 2:
2 sets of wide grip pull ups 8-12reps.
1 set of chin ups 8-12reps.
1 set of close grip chin ups 8-12 reps.
Requirements> 15 dips 15 pull ups.
Day 1 chest/triceps/abs:
3 Super sets Dips 8-12 reps + 8-10 Wide grip push ups.
3 sets Body weight skull crushers of 6-10 reps.
Slow push ups until failure.
Crunches+leg raises to your liking.
Day 2
3 sets of wide grip pull ups 8-12 reps
1 set of chin ups 8-12 reps
1 set of close grip chin ups 8-12 reps.
All of those programs have been tested by myself and I suggest giving your self a rest day after 6 days of working out.