Should you eat the cholesterol rich arch villains?
You might think that cholesterol in liver and egg yolks is really bad for you, and yes these foods are filled with cholesterol but like most cholesterol rich-foods they are jammed with important nutrients, vitamins and essential fatty acids.Doctors and drug companies want you to believe that cholesterol is a major cause of strokes and heart attacks.One in three people above the age of 45 take choresterol lowering drugs known as statins.And sales are set to skyrocket in the next 10 years.Egg whites contain far fewer nutrients.Don't believe me?Check this table from

The yolk contains 100% of the carotenoids, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D, and K (6 items). The white does not contain 100% of any nutrient.And, in fact, the University of Connecticut has extensively studied the effects of eggs on cholesterol levels. These high-quality controlled studies have shown that when people consume three to four eggs per day, with the yolk, virtually everyone experiences either no change or beneficial changes in their cholesterol levels. Dr. Maria-Luz Fernandez has reviewed those studies here.
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Still having doubts?
I myself ate 2500mlg of cholesterol in a day which is more than 8 times the recommended amount.So i've had cholesterol for a week in 1 day and i kept eating cholesterol heavy foods the whole week, i'm eating cholesterol heavy foods on a daily.Very few people get affected by dietary cholesterol.Most of us can consume dietary cholesterol and have little to no effect on our bodies.So moral of the story is that companies are spreading false information about cholesterol effects so cholesterol lowering medications can be selled worldwide.
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