Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ab Wheel Rollout

The Ab Wheel Rollout is multi-joint movement for intermediate and advanced fitness enthusiasts. The load is intensive and the exercise uses many stabilising and auxiliary muscles.

This exercise is great to implement as a first exercise in your abdominal workouts.However its implementation requires at least 2 warm-up sets.


  • Avoid this exercise if you have injuries in the: wrists, elbows, shoulders, abdominal belt or shoulder rotator cuffs, back, hips, or ankles;
  • Avoid this exercise if you are lacking control of the pelvis, abdominal belt and shoulder girdle;
  • This exercise should be avoided by beginners and people that are overweight.
  • Avoid this exercise if you are unable to perform 10v-ups.
  • Consult your physiotherapist before performing this exercise if you're having scoliosis or shortened hips/glutes ;

Involved muscles


  • Iliopsoas


  • Tensor Fasciae Latae
  • Sartorius
  • Pectineus
  • Adductor Longus
  • Adductor Brevis
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Teres Major
  • Pectoralis Major, Sternal
  • Pectoralis Minor
  • Deltoid, Posterior
  • Rhomboids


  • Rectus Abdominis
  • Obliques
  • Triceps Brachii
  • Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
  • Wrist Flexors

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • Rectus Femoris

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • Erector Spinae


According to the amplitude

  • Full amplitude (intermediate) - Go almost all the way down, elbows are not touching the ground.A harder variation.
  • Full amplitude (advanced) - elbows are slightly bent and are touching the floor. This is the hardest variation.
  • 1/2 amplitude - Descent stops in the middle. Start with this variation and extend further.

According to the support

  • Roller-knees - an option for people that are new to the movement.Knees are on the ground.
  • Roller-toes - advanced option, the load is maximised.Lower body is in a push up position.

Method of execution


  1. Kneel on floor or mat. Grasp handles on wheel to each side with overhand grip. 
  2. Position wheel near front of knees and lean over wheel with arms extended downward, supporting upper body.


  1. Begin to descend, and strive to keep your legs and arms straight, and shoulder, hip and abdominal belt stable (with unchanged positions). Inhale when descending.
  2. With arms straight, roll wheel out as far as possible. 
  3. Raise body back up by flexing hips and pulling arms back to original position. 
  4. Return until hips are extended. Repeat.

Comments and recommendations

  • Perform this exercise until failure. 
  • If you experience any instability in the: shoulders, shoulder girdle, abdomen, waist or elbows - stop and put your knees on the floor.
  • Do not hold your breath trough the execution of the exercise.
  • Discontinue immediately if you experience pain, tenderness, or numbness.



Excellent exercise for intermediate and advanced fitness enthusiasts who want to test the functionality of their bodies.. The exercise is fantastic for many people, however it is too advanced for another.

  • If you're an advanced athlete you can implement the ab wheel rollout as a first / second main exercise in a workout for abs.

Power and strength-conditioning workouts 

The Ab Wheel Rollout offers many benefits of including it into a workout program. In addition to test the stability of the joints, maintain and power scaling of the abdomen, hips constrictor, dorsal muscles. Improves control of pressure in the abdominal belt which is so needed in one-rep maxes.


Classic bodybuilding programs may not benefit from this exercise - the movement does not affect visual improvements and carries a risk because of its complicated technique. It does not combine too well with pre-exhaust exercises in ab workouts which are in most workout programs.


This exercise is perfect for training at home/outside.The roller is small and you can carry it easy within your backpack.


It is usually implemented as a final exercise in crossfit circuits.However beware of over-exhausted stabilisers and sygergists while performing this exercise in a crossfit circuit.


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