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Bruce Randall

Bruce Randall and his amazing transformation.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Bruce Randall (II)

This is the continuation of the first article about Bruce Randall and his amazing transformation. If you missed the previous article, we recommend you begin with it.

On 2 August 1955 the scale showed that Bruce weighted 182 kg. Then he took a hard decision, a decision to get rid of the excess fat. According to authorities in weightlifting and physical education, he would have never been able to lose the excess weight and participate in any bodybuilding competitions. But the word "never" motivated Bruce to begin to sculpt his body like a sculptor, a sculptor having only dumbbells and barbells as tools.

The Beginning

 Randall realized the need to radically change his eating and exercise habits . After pondering on the subject for a while, he decided to do the opposite of everything that helped him to increase his weight. At first he began reducing the amount of food he took. Then  he gradually eliminated carbohydrate and fat heavy foods from his diet, and accordingly increased the intake of protein, fruits and vegetables.

He also increased his training sets and repetitions - instead of 3 sets of 3-5 reps, he did 4-5 sets of 12-15, depending on the muscle group. His training included 20 exercises and takes about 6-7 hours a day. Bruce was consumed by the idea and was focused only on that specific idea.


 Randall included running as a cardio along with his heavy weight training.In the first few weeks he just walked, while trying to increase the distance and pace every next workout.

After some time, Bruce began to run with a slow pace and when he got tired he would switch back to walking, but he did not stop. So gradually over time and by removing excess weight Randall began to run from 5 to 8 km almost every day. He found that jogging did not influence his weight training in a bad way, on the contrary, it increased his stamina.


 This was a typical day of eating for Bruce:

  • Breakfast - 2 eggs, lightly cooked, normal size;half a liter of skimmed milk, a glass of fresh orange juice and  an apple.
  • Lunch - salad, dried fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner - a big steak, two vegetables, a liter of skimmed milk and gelatin.

Bruce mixed dry milk with the skimmed milk to increase its protein content. From time to time, Randall drank coffee since he discovered that coffee reduces appetite.


Bruce Randall often changed his workout routine, here's an example of what it often consisted of:

  • Crunches, lying/hanging leg raises- 20 to 50 reps;
  • Squats with no weight - 20reps;
  • Leg curls - sets of 25;
  • Flat bench press and chest flies - sets of 15-20;
  • Pull ups, dips, bicep curls,back rows, helicopter rows- sets of 15-25;
  • Incline dumbbell press, shoulder press with dumbbells - sets of 10-15;
  • More crunches and leg raises - sets of 20-50;

At the end of each workout he included additional exercises, depending on what muscle groups he wanted to focus on.

Randall spent an enormous amount of time in the gym during his transformation.
Once trained 27 hours in a period of two days and 81 hours in one week. Bruce gave himself a few days off and then reverted back to heavy training. Once he trained 27 consecutive days without a break.
Imagine yourself training for 6 hours every day for 27 days, while being in a caloric deficit, most of us won't last a week.


Before the start of the new 1956 Randall set a goal for himself, he had to do 5000 sit ups every day for 15 days. His task was quite hard, but he managed to execute it with 75,000 sit-ups in 15 days. According to Bruce that helped him to drastically reduce his waist size and it also made him believe in himself much more.


Randall often we set personal goals in order to not lose his determiation. He gave him self a certain period of time to achieve something, such as a loss of 5 kg or a reduction of several inches from his waist, etc.With  Bruce taught himself this method of setting objectives when his focus was on increasing his weight and strenght. Back then set goals such as increasing his dead lift or bench press strength in a certain period of time. Randall loved to challenge himself.

The Result

In the end, after all the challenges on 20 March 1956 the scale showed a personal weight of 83kg.In 32 weeks Bruce Randall had lost 98 kg. According to some that weight loss was very "violent" and made Randall lose a big chunk of his strength, but that did not bother Bruce. Just a few years later, he won the prestigious "Mr. Universe" - in 1959, with a personal weight of 97kg.

Bruce Randall shared that two specific rules have always helped him in achieving his goals, and those rules were:

Ask and get answers.
God helps those who help themselves.

Ranking in competitions

1956 - "Mr. America" ​​- AAU - 13th;
1957 - "Mr. America" ​​- AAU - 6th;
1958 - "Mr. Universe" pros - NABBA - second in highest class;
1959 - "Mr. Universe" pros - NABBA - first in highest class;
1959 - "Mr. Universe" pros - NABBA - Overall winner.