Friday, July 20, 2012

Intermittent fasting to build muscle and lose fat.

Intermittent fasting or IF

Hello guys, let's talk about IF.If you follow any fitness channel/blog/magazine you probably already know what Intermittent fasting is.Basically it is fasting for 16-24 hours and then eating your macros in a smaller than usual period of time.
An example of IF can be:
1st and ussualy biggest meal of the day-1PM
2nd meal of the day-4PM
3rd meal of the day-8PM
4th and last meal of the day-9PM
Fast from 9PM to 1PM the next day which is 16 hours of fasting.
Which results in weight loss.

Does it really work?

Well let's think about this for a second.Will you lose fat if i don't eat for extended periods of time?
What do you think?Of course you will lose fat.
Will you lose all your muscle?Will your body cannibalise all your muscle?NO!Come on guys really?All of that is a bunch of bullshit that the supplement companies want you to believe.When you have your last meal of the day at lets say 9PM it will take it until the next morning to digest all the food you ate.And also your body doesn't go off eating your muscle as it's first source of energy when you fast.That is what fat is for.Plus the majority of weight loss that comes from IF is that people tend to consume less food while on it.I don't know about you but i used to have those little snacks every time i go to the kitchen.You know a little bit of that a little bit of this.I used to think that it's okay because having those little snacks will boost my metabolism etc...
Plus i'm sure not many of you can go eat 6 meals per day.You either have to carry food with you everywhere you go or you will just have to buy something which is rarely going to fit in your macros.

What about hunger?

Well you might feel hunger the first few days but it's nothing intense.Just get a calorie free buble gum or  drink a lot of water and you won't feel hunger at all.Pretty much after the first week hunger disappears.

Are there any health benefits?

It has been said that fasting has many health benefins as it lets your body clean it self.But personally i believe that there hasn't been enough research on fasting to prove that on 100%.I can speak from personal experience that IF actually helped me with my acne.I never had huge amounts of acne but the amount of piples that i have have drastically decreased.Keep in mind i am eating even more sugar than before when i was on my regular diet.

Intermittent fasting comes in wide variety of forms.

Some people fast for 20 hours and then have an 4 hour window to eat.Other people fast for 24 hours and so on.IF can be used for fat loss, lean gaining of muscle mass and maintaining current weight.
You can learn more about Intermittent fasting on the leangains website.
And remember keep things simple don't over complicate things :)Building muscle and losing weight isn't rocket science.

1 коментара:

  1. Natural protein foods are the good choices for the diet plan that help to lose the fat and build the muscles at the same time. Natural protein foods burn the fat more effectively and turn this fat into muscles.
    So take more protein based foods along with cardio and weight exercises to get help in fat burning and muscles building.

    Maitland fitness
