The Sumo Deadlift is a compound pulling exercise, which has a major power and complex muscle building character on the long back muscles, glutes and hamstrings.
Because of the increased risk of injury, the learning of proper technique is mandatory.The exercise is suitable for intermediate and advanced lifters.
As a variation of the conventional deadlift its preferred by many strongman competitors and other athletes, which want to utilize their hamstrings more than their back, because of their specific bio mechanic advantages or their simply stronger hamstrings.
The Sumo Deadlift is not recommended for lifters with injuries or distortions in the shoulder, shoulder girdle, spine, hips, knees and ankles.These people should perform the movement only after an authorization by their orthopedic surgeon or physiotherapist. The performance itself should be guided by an experienced coach. If you're performing the exercise with proper form and experience pain at any time, stop!
Target- Erector Spinae
- Synergists
- Gluteus Maximus
- Adductor Magnus
- Quadriceps
- Soleus
- Dynamic Stabilizers
- Hamstrings
- Gastrocnemius
- Trapezius, Middle
- Trapezius, Upper
- Levator Scapulae
- Rhomboids
- Antagonist Stabilizers
- Rectus Abdominis
- Obliques
- Barbell - the most popular option
- Dumbbells/Kettlebells - rarely used options
- Pronated grip - to be used with lighter weights
- Mixed grip - the strongest grip option, used with heavy weight. The grip prevents the bar from rolling so it can't be dropped. Keep two things in mind: the mixed grip puts the biceps is under a lot of stress, and furthermore, to avoid imbalances use both mixed grips(switch hands)
- Hook grip - a very effective grip that can be utilized in sets with a low number of repetitions.
Method of execution
Preparation- Position feet under bar with very wide stance.
- Point your fingers out.
- Squat down and grasp bar between legs with shoulder width or slightly narrower mixed grip.
- Take a breath and tighten your abdomen. Your back should be straight, your knees and shoulders should be behind the barbell.
- Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension.
- Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded.
- Return bar to the ground in a controlled fashion.
- Repeat.

Comments and recommendations
- Warm-up well before performing this exercise.
- Before doing heavy weight sets, do a couple of light weight ones to prevent injuries.
- Don't shrug your shoulders towards your ears while performing the movement.
- Instead of focusing on pulling the weight up, focus on pushing your feet into the ground as if you're trying to split it and at the same time push your hips forward.
- Begin each successive repetition with your shins touching the bar, so the tension is taken away from the waist at the expense of the hamstrings and buttocks.
- Do not lift your hips faster than the bar. This would lead to a bigger involvement of the waist.
- Don't pull with your arms, doing so won't help you lift more weight, it will just expend valuable energy.Your arms are just the "hooks" holding the weight, that's their only function here.
- Always use correct form and a suitable weight.
- The back stays straight throughout the whole exercise. Don't slouch even for a moment during the performance of this movement.
Use in training for fitness and conditioningBeginners can perform the Sumo Deadlift only with a direct supervision of a personal trainer or a coach.
This exercise is recommended for intermediate lifters that have mastered the proper technique of execution (had it evaluated and corrected by a coach)
This, of course applies to advanced athletes with little to no experience in strength training as well, but to a lesser degree.
By performing the Sumo Deadlift you will increase power in the lower body and improve coordination between different muscle groups.
Use in bodybuilding
This particular exercise is very rarely used in classic bodybuilding routines. Bodybuilders use the deadlift as a back exercise, however in its Sumo variation, the involvement of the back is greatly lessened.
It finds most of its uses in strength cycles or to diversify training. Also its used to bring up the strengthen and bring up the hamstrings.
Use in strength and strength-conditioning
Due to the fact that women usually have a stronger lower body, the Sumo Deadlift is actively used by women dealing with strength-oriented sports. A lot of power lifters also prefer the Sumo variation over the conventional deadlift.
Use in CrossFit
Sumo Deadlifts can be used as a variation of the conventional deadlifts in different CrossFit routines, and it actually often plays a very core role in CrossFit workout routines alongside the high pull.
However Crossfitters shouldn't completely neglect the conventional deadlift, as many competitions have limitations on the stance width.
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