In 1952, Reg Park published his favorite shoulder workout in a magazine. He calls it his "favorite" because those exact exercises gave him his very well developed, massive shoulders. It incorporates the so called "cheating" movements, which at the time were prohibited in weightlifting, however that didn't stop many bodybuilders from using them.
1.Behind-The-Neck Shoulder Presses - 5x6. When Park wanted to focus on his shoulders, he would always use this exercise. Perform the exercise with heavy weight and slight cheating by utilising your legs at the last repetition is acceptable.
2.Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 4x6-8.Reg Park frequently changed the "tactic" when he performed this exercise. He would alternate his position, standing and seated. The performance, one hand at a time or both simultaneously. You've got a lot of options here.
3.Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise(cheating) - 4x10. Fold your elbows a bit and use a slight "boost" from your upper body to spread the dumbbells sideways on each repetition, after which lower the weights back in a controlled fashion.Your wrists should be pointing forward.
4.Dumbbell Front Raise(cheating) - 3x8. One arm at a time, cheating your way up. Slightly swing the weight with your body, lift the dumbbell to the vertical, then lower it in a controlled fashion and do the same with your other hand.
This workout is suitable for advanced athletes who want to focus on their shoulders.It should be done two
times per week with plenty of rest in-between training. It is also possible to do it once alongside your back or chest and then run it again as a standalone workout.
Reg recommends supersetting the first two exercises. One set of behind-the-neck shoulder press and then once set of dumbbell shoulder press, rest, or vice versa.
Between exercises 1 and 2 rest for 2-3 minutes, between the 3 and 4 rest 1-2 minutes.
- Beginners shouldn't even try this routine.
- Intermediate lifters shouldn't cheat on the first two movements and perform the workout only once a week.
- People with reduced mobility in the shoulders or shoulder girdle, slumped shoulders, shoulder pain, pain when pushing/raising arms forward or sideways should avoid this routine.
- Cheating on the behind-the-neck shoulder press can be VERY dangerous.The reason - some lifters might be tempted to lower the bar to the base of the neck and accidentally go too low by trying to cheat their way up by using their legs. Which will get them stuck and most likely injured. So be careful!
Good luck!
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