
Is streching really that important?Everything you need to know about stretching.

Bruce Randall

Bruce Randall and his amazing transformation.

The Preacher Curl

One of the best exercises for the biceps.If you're having trouble with the lower parts of your biceps then this exercise is definately for you!


Do you have symptoms of overtraining?Are you tired all the time?Did you hit a plateau recently?It might be overtraiing.


Coffee as a pre-workout supplement.Will it help you build muscle?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Decline Barbell Bench Press

The Decline Barbell Bench Press is a compound chest exercise that focuses on the lower heads of the pectoral muscles.It is a good exercise for hypertrophy as well as strength. Performing the Decline Bench carries some risks, so its use is not recommended for beginners. The movement should be performed with a spotter and clipped weights.

The decline bench press is closer to the kinesiology of a regular push up compared to the flat bench press, so the two movements are interchangeable to a certain extent .

Contraindications :

  • Avoid the movement if you have shoulder injuries.



  • Pectoralis Major, Sternal


  • Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
  • Deltoid, Anterior
  • Triceps Brachii

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • Biceps Brachii, Short Head


The different options for the Decline Barbell Bench Press can be:

  • Power lifting method - most often aiming for the shortest range of motion
  • Classic - full ROM
  • Shoulder (shoulders are forward and inward toward the ears) - Stay away from this one! If you're looking to train your shoulders consider other more reasonable exercises.


  • The decline press must only be done with a locked grip, never utilize the thumb less(suicide) grip while performing this exercise.Any attempts to do so will end badly.
  • Wide overhand grip - mostly combined with partial ROM . Completely bodybuilding oriented.
  • Shoulder width overhand grip - the most popular power option.
  • Wide underhand grip - a very dangerous variation, should not be attempted without two spotters to follow the descend of the bar.Leave this one to the pros.
  • Shoulder width underhand grip - advanced technique. For this one you'll need at least one spotter to stay with you through the movement and to rack and unrack the bar for you.

Range of motion(ROM)

  • Full ROM -the standard and preferred variation.
  • Partial upper or lower half of the range of motion.

Method of execution


  1. Select desired bench tilt and rack the bar on a proper height.
  2. Choose a grip that suits the width of your shoulders and coincides with your training goals.
  3. Arch your back and get your shoulders down and back, lock the shoulder girdle. It must remain locked in that position through the whole movement.


  1. Lower bar to upper chest.
  2. Stop right before the bar touches your chest, at this point elbows should be at a 90 degree angle.
  3. Press bar until arms are extended. 
  4. Repeat.

Comments and recommendations

  • Never try to unrack a bar that's too high or too low from the working position.It will end badly.
  • If the bar is too far from hooks, leave it with your spotter.
  • Do not turn your head sideways while performing the movement.
  • Do not allow your shoulders to descend to your ears . If this happens, then the serratus and the small pectoral muscles can't take that much weight, so lower it.


Fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts may include the exercise in their chest workout, while utilizing a more muscle building oriented variation. And if you want strength and power you can use the Decline Barbell Bench Press to improve performance as well as stability of the chest and shoulder girdle .

Monday, October 28, 2013

Chocolate oatmeal

This one requires no introduction.

You will need:

  • 100g of steel cut oatmeal
  • 2-3 tea spoons of cocoa
  • 20g of butter
  • 2 tbsp of honey or brown sugar
  • Cinnamon and vanilla

How to prepare:

  1. The oats are cooked in 150-200ml of water.The cocoa is added and the mash is stirred until it thickens.
  2. Once it's done, take it off the stove and add the honey, cinnamon and vanilla.
  3. For some extra flavor you can add some jam, berries, nuts or some banana slices.


  • 709 calories
  • 15g of protein
  • 108g of carbohydrates
  • 24g of fats

Keep in mind that if you need to reduce the calories you can use another sweetener like Stevia(instead of honey), by doing so you can get rid of up to 150 calories and 30 grams of carbohydrates.
You can also use half as much butter to get rid of another 72 calories and 9 grams of fat.

Bon appetit!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chris Jones Workout Routine For Size

Beast Mode Jones
Since my Matt Ogus workout routine post became quite popular,I though "why don't I make one for his arch nemesis Chris Jones".

A lot of people are trying to find the exact routine, the problem is that Chris changes his routine on a monthly(sometimes even weekly) basis, so it's pretty hard to pinpoint his actual routine most of the time.

But I did my best to get it all in order, keep in mind this isn't his actual current routine, it's from a few months back, I'm sure he made some changes, but the "core" should be the same.

What to expect.

  • Volume.If you've watched the POG channel, you know that they always mess with extremely high volume, so if you're afraid of work this routine isn't for you;
  • Drop sets, Pyramid sets, Super sets, Pre-Exhaust sets, Going to failure, Forced Reps, Curls for the girls this routine has it all.Chris has always been a believer in the hard work mindset and everything I've listed above "Don't complain about lack of results if you did not work for em"C.Jones;
  • And of course, last but not least, expect results;

The Routine:

Incline Bench Press 5 Pyramid Sets
Leg Extensions 3 sets 10-12 reps(knee warm-up, pump and pre-exhaust quads)
Flat Bench Press 4 Pyramid Sets, 4th Drop set
Front Squats 4 Pyramid Sets
Incline Hammer Press 3 sets 8-12 reps
Super Squats 4 sets of 8 reps
Flat Hammer Press 3 sets 8-12 reps
Leg Press 4 sets of 8-10 reps
Cable Crossover 4 sets 10-15reps
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift 5 sets 8 reps
Cable Upright Row 4 sets 8-12 reps
Shrugs 4 sets 8-12 reps
Dumbbell Press 4 sets 4-8 reps
Side Laterals 3 sets 15 reps
Barbell Rows 3 sets 6-10 reps
Seated Side Laterals 3 sets 15 reps
Cable Rows 3 sets 8-12 reps
Front Raises 3 sets 6-8reps
T-bar Rows 3 sets 6-10 reps
Rear Delt Flies 3 sets 10-12 reps
Hammer Rows 3 sets 8-12 reps
Rear Dealt Machine 3 sets 10-15 reps
Weighted Pullups 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Close Grip Pulldowns 3 sets 6-10 reps
CGBP & Barbell Curls 4 sets 8-10 reps Superset
Pullover Machine 3 sets 10-12 reps
Dips & Preacher Curls 4 sets 8-10 reps Superset
Rack Pulls/Weighted Hyper-extensions
3 sets 6-10 reps
Overhead Triceps Extensions & Hammer Curls 4 sets 10-12 reps Superset
Forearm Wrist Curls 3 sets 10-15 reps
One Arm Pressdowns & Reverse Curls 4 sets 10-12 reps Superset
Reverse Wrist Curls 3 sets 10-15 reps

Monday – Chest  

Tuesday- Back

  • morning – Legs  
  • night - Shoulders
Thursday -Off


Saturday- Legs

Sunday – Off

Super sets

  • Doing two exercises back to back, without any rest in between.
Drop sets

  • Reducing weight after failure to be able to do more reps with lighter weight.
Example:A person is performing barbell curls with 50lbs, once that person can't do any more repetitions without compromising form the weight is reduced to 40lbs and the set continues.
-In this routines dropsets the weight should be reduced twice.
Pyramid sets

  • A progression from lighter high repetition sets to heavier lower rep sets.With weight being added every subsequent set.
1st set:200lbs 12 reps
2nd set:210lbs 9 reps
3rd set:220lbs 6 reps


Always warm-up before starting your workout.
A good warm-up would be 3-5 minutes of light stretching and 3-5 sets of 10 reps with very light weight of
your first compound exercise.

What about abs?

Do 3 sets of your two favorite ab exercises at the end of leg/shoulder day.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do not run this routine if you're a beginner, this is an advanced routine, it's definitely not a routine for beginners.There are many routines out there that are much better suited for beginners and will provide faster and safer results.
  • Do not skip workout days, this is an obvious one, yet I'll say it again.You can't expect to get results if you skip every second workout.
  • Don't skip rest days.
  • You can add an additional exercise for a lagging muscle group.
  • Use good form on all exercises.
  • Make sure you're getting enough sleep.


  • Creatine Monohydrate
  • BCAAs
  • Protein Powder
  • Multivitamin

Keep in mind these aren't mandatory, if you're already getting enough protein from your diet you might not need to buy a tub of protein powder, the same goes for the multivitamin.
You can and will build muscle without them.

Comments and recommendations

  • For this routine to be effective you should be in a caloric surplus and you need to have your protein in check.
  • Since this routine has so much volume deload weeks must be done often and taken seriously.
  • Just because you're on CJs routine doesn't mean you'll look like him, everyone is different and to be honest this routine is best suited for Chris himself. So find your weak points and take care of them, as I mentioned earlier you can add an extra exercise for a lagging muscle group. Do it.
  • If you find yourself struggling with the amount of volume, don't worry about it. After a short period of time your body will adapt.(that is of course if you're an experienced lifter, again this is not a routine for beginners).
  • With this routine you'll be hitting your muscles from so many angles that you'll be pretty much destroying as much muscle fibers as possible every workout. In other words this is a great workout routine for hypertrophy and sheer size. For that reason it is best done during the bulking season.
Good luck!
An easily printable version of the routine:
Incline Bench Press 5 Pyramid Sets
Leg Extensions 3x10-12
Flat Bench Press 4 Pyramid Sets, 4th Drop set
Front Squats 4 Pyramid Sets
Incline Hammer Press 3x8-12
Super Squats 4x8
Flat Hammer Press 3x8-12
Leg Press 4x8-10 reps
Cable Crossover 4x10-15
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift 5x8 reps
Cable Upright Row 4x8-12
Shrugs 4x8-12
Dumbbell Press 4x4-8 reps
Side Laterals 3x15 reps
Barbell Rows 3x6-10
Seated Side Laterals 3x15 reps
Cable Rows 3x8-12
Front Raises 3x6-8reps
T-bar Rows 3x6-10
Rear Delt Flies 3x10-12 reps
Hammer Rows 3x8-12
Rear Dealt Machine 3x10-15 reps
Weighted Pullups 3x6-10
Close Grip Pulldowns 3x6-10
CGBP & Barbell Curls 4x8-10 Superset
Pullover Machine 3 sets 10-12
Dips & Preacher Curls 4x8-10 Superset
Rack Pulls/Weighted Hyper-extensions 3x6-10
Overhead Extensions & Hammer Curls 4x10 Superset
Forearm Wrist Curls 3x10-15
One Arm Pressdowns & Reverse Curls 4x
10-12 Superset
Reverse Wrist Curls 3x10-15

Cardiovascular Training

After we bulk and gain some muscle...comes the to cut. Even if you've got well developed musculature, if you're holding on too much fat, the muscles won't look as good as they could. Cardio is an important part of training to look, feel and be better and it shouldn't be ignored.

Whether you want to get shredded or just want to stay in shape, you should pay more attention to the treadmill and stationary bike.

Effects of cardiovascular training

  • Reduces body fat percentage;
  • Improves heart function;
  • Improves circulation which leads to better muscle performance;
  • Reduces stress;
  • Increases stamina and improves body condition.

When is the best time to do cardio?

  • Morning, on an empty stomach - the most effective time to do cardio is in the morning on an empty stomach.This is due to the low amounts of glucose in the blood and glycogen in the muscles. At night muscles use almost exclusively fat for energy to preserve glucose for the brain. Insulin levels are very low and levels of glycogen are high.All of those things lead to an enhanced fat burning effect. When you eat your breakfast after a workout, less fat will be deposed.The increased fat burning continues on later in the day.In the morning our body temperature and pulse are reduced.By doing cardio in the morning, on an empty stomach you're increasing your metabolism for the rest of the day. Or in other words doing cardio in the morning will help you burn more fat through the whole day.
  • During the day - later in the day could also achieve a similar effect with proper diet. If you eat foods high in protein before doing cardio, you will prevent your body from going catabolic.However eating foods containing high amounts of fats and carbohydrates before an aerobic workout will make that workout less effective.
  • Pre workout - light aerobic activity before weight training is always a good choice. But the intensity and duration necessary for burning fat would interfere and lessen your performance in the weight room.So keep the pre-workout cardio short duration and low intensity.
  • Post workout - cardio after weight training is not detrimental for your muscles and strength. During weight training the glycogen in the muscles is used for energy which leads to a more effective cardiovascular workout afterwards .
  • Rest day - doing cardio on rest days will increase the workout days in your week thus speeding up metabolism.However too many workouts in one day can lead to an increased level of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

How often?

Cardio should be done 3-5 times a week, with no more than 48 hour breaks inbetween cardio sessions, because it takes 48 hours at most for ones metabolism to go back to normal after a cardio workout.


The cardio intensity is calculated as a percentage of the maximum heart rate(maximum heart rate=220 minus age of the athlete). Proper intensity is the most important factor in a cardio workout.

Beginners should start with about 55 % of their maximum heart rate.
For more advanced athletes a 65-75 % is suggested.

If your pulse is too low, you're not working hard enough.
If it's too high you risk putting too much strain on your cardiovascular system
Max.Heart rate


It varies between 15 and 60 minutes, depending on the experience and goals of the trainee.
Beginners can start with two sets of 10-12 minutes and strive for a set of 25 minutes.

Keep in mind that if your workout is too short it won't be effective and if its too long you risk losing muscle mass.
The optimal duration is usually about 30-40 minutes.


Before you crank up the treadmill to 10, have a 2-3 minute walk to warm-up.
Always stretch a bit and warm-up before your workouts, starting with low intensity is always a good warm-up and it will help you prevent many injuries.
In my opinion the warm-up is the most important part of a workout.As it will prevent injuries, and injuries can force us out of the gym for weeks, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

After you're finished with your workout gradually reduce the pace to give your body and heart rate some time to normalize.

Types of cardio workouts

Swimming is a great cardio workout. The whole body is involved and it is most suitable for obese and injured people. It may be implemented as a long duration - low intensity and/or high intensity and short duration .

However for swimming to be an effective workout one must know how to do it properly. Another disadvantage is that when the body is in contact with water it loses heat, so the body tries to maintain a barrier between the itself and the water(fat is that barrier)

Therefore, swimming is not suitable for achieving very low body fat percentages, but it is an effective weight loss tool. It also increases muscle strength.

The most widespread type of cardio activity. Very efficient and can be used to reach very low body fat %.

Since it's very high impact, jogging is not suitable for obese people (cardio like swimming, cycling and fast pace walking is recommended here).The disadvantages are that there's an increased risk of injury and proper technique is required.

Stationary bike
Suitable for obese people and people with injuries. Requires no special equipment and is not dynamic. Doesn't put stress on any joints. Cycling works the hamstrings and glutes.

Rope Jumping
Jumping rope is a very good choice. Quite high caloric expenditure, however there is a heavy load on the calves and proper technique is needed to avoid injuries.

Here is a sample table that shows how many calories are burned in an hour of training.
Activity/Body weight
Stationary bike 10km/h
Stationary bike 20km/h
Jumping rope
Jogging 10km/h
Walking 5km/h

Thursday, October 24, 2013

3x3x3-9 Week Strength Routine

The 3x3x3 routine is designed to increase the overall strength of the body, without focusing on individual

Suitable for people with an intermediate training experience, for trainees that have hit a plateau and those for which fitness is a second sport and find themselves in need to increase the power and performance without focusing on specific movements or muscle groups.


The idea of ​​the routine is to get the body "accustomed" to working as one, with a gradual adaptation required from increasing the weight and a maximum number of different workouts every week, with each including different exercises.

The workouts consist of only compound exercises with low volume and high intensity.
With the purpose of strength progress without massive strain on the CNS.

It consists of 3 micro cycles, with each consisting of 3 weeks with different workouts every week. The working weight in the first, second and third week of each micro cycle stays the same.
It's increased at the start of a new 3 week micro cycle.


First "week"
The split consists of two work days, one rest day, two work days, one rest day, one work day, one rest day.
Monday - Workout A
Tuesday - Workout B
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday -Workout C
Friday - Workout D
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Workout E
Monday - Rest

Bench Press

Shoulder Press
Power Clean
Front Squat
Neutral Grip Pull Up

Shoulder Press
High Pull
Hack Squat

Bench Press
Wide Grip Deadlift

Second Week

The workouts consist of three "Tri Sets" with 3 reps for each exercise(3RM). The weekly training split consists of two work days, rest day, two work days, two rest days.

Shoulder Press
Pull Up

Bench Press
Power Clean

Pull Ups
Shoulder Press
Front Squats

Wide Grip Deadlift
Monday - rest after the last workout of the first training week.
Tuesday - Workout A2
Wednesday - Workout B2
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Workout C2
Saturday - Workout D2
Sunday - rest.

Third week

Workout consists of three gaint sets of all exercises, 3 reps on each exercise(3RM). The maximum transition time from one exercise to the other 20 seconds.One work day, two rest days, one work day, two rest days, one work day, one rest day after which the micro cycle is restarted.
Monday - Workout 3
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Workout 3
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Workout 3
Rest day and restart cycle.

                              Workout 3                                                
Neutral Grip Pull Ups
Chin Ups
Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Front Squats
Hack Squats


The warm-up for each workout consist of 10-12 reps of 50% of your 1RM, a set of 6-8 reps with 75% of your max and some nice stretching of all the muscles involved between warm-up and work sets. Breaks between working sets/tri sets/giant sets are 2/3/5 minutes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is a different exercise from the conventional deadlift, the main difference is that its performed with straight legs. Here is a brief list of the main distinguishing features of the Romanian deadlift.

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) vs. Conventional (Deadlift)

  • The bar(discs) doesn't touch the ground on the descent.
  • The exercise begins with the eccentric part of the movement .
  • The hips are pushed further back (hip hinge).
  • It relies more heavily on reactive power and not so much on starting power .
  • It targets the lumbar and pelvic extensors.
  • There is very little flexion in the knee joint, which stays mostly straight

Romanian deadlift (RDL) vs Straight Leg Deadlift (SLDL)

  • Legs aren't completely straight, there is a gentle fold in the knees.
  • The focus isn't on bending, its on pushing the hips back.
  • The waist stays neutral through the whole movement.
  • The Long spinal muscles are not synergists, just stabilizers.
  • The barbell stays firmly upon the legs through the whole movement.

Muscles Involved

Secondary:Glutes, Lower Back


  • Not recommended for people with a score below 2 in the FMS test.
  • If you can't effortlessly touch the ground with your hands while keeping your legs relatively straight this exercise is not for you.
  • The exercise should be performed with perfect form.
  • Do not perform without competent supervision in case of injuries in the :ankles, knees, hips, spine, wrists, elbows, shoulder joints, shoulder girdle, abdominal belt ( hernia ), strained muscles (especially the glutes , hamstrings, calves,waist and forearms) .


The most widespread variation uses a barbell , but exercise can also be performed with kettlebells, dumbbells or any comfortable to grip weights.

The exercise can be performed with a different stride and a different feet position to target specific areas of the hamstrings.

The Romanian deadlift relies more on reactive power like the squat and less on starting power like the conventional deadlift. To further enhance this effect, you can use the relatively fast (2 sec.) but still controlled descends with explosive lifts. To neutralize the effect and emphasize the starting strength, you can increase the duration of the descent or perform the movement with platforms under the discs to reach the desired height.

Method of execution

Before you attempt the RDL make sure you've done your research and actually acquaintaced yourself with the movement.

  • Stand with your back facing the wall at 20-30cm
  • Try to touch the wall with your pelvis, without transferring any weight to it, and keep your back neutral.
  • Aim for the stretching sensation in your hamstrings.Once the sensation has reached moderate strenght , you've reached the lowest point and now you must start straightening back the pelvis.
  • Repeat until you're confident in the movement.


  1. Grasp barbell from rack or deadlift from floor with shoulder width to wide overhand grip. 
  2. Stand with shoulder width or narrower stance.
  3. Neck and waist remain in a neutral position
  4. Ribs are pressing againts the spine.
  5. Breathe evenly.Inhale when lowering and exhale when lifting.
  6. Keep your arms loose and don't bend the elbows.


  1. Lower bar to top of feet by bending hips. 
  2. Bend knees during descent and keep waist straight so back is parallel to floor at lowest position. 
  3. Lift bar by extending at hips and knees until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded. 
  4. Repeat.

Comments and recommendations

If your conventional deadlift has reached a plateau then you can effectively use the RDL to gain strenght and improve your performance. But keep in mind reps as low as 1-3 are not recommended.
Successfully used by weightlifters as an additional exercise.
The heavy load on the hamstrings in a wide range of movement gives perfect oppurtunity for hyperthrophy.
The exercise can also be used to increase mobility.
It is also used in condition and fat loss workouts.
By using kettle/dumbbells it can be used be used in outdoor sports as well.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chocolate Scrambled Eggs

It happens to us all, we all at some point get tired from our regular scrambled eggs.
That's one of the reasons why recently I've focused on egg recipes.
Just to get some diversity out there.
This one is very easy to prepare, and it might look pretty unorthodox to some people.
Let's get to it!

You will need:

  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 scoop of chocolate whey protein powder
  • 25g butter
  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl.
  2. Add the whey protein.
  3. Use a hand mixer to scramble the eggs and protein together.
  4. Pre-heat a pan and throw the butter in there.
  5. Pour your mixture onto the pan and stir the consistency until it reaches the desired texture.
  6. Eat!

The recipe is suitable for:

  • athletes in need of protein;
  • people that have gotten sick of eating regular scrambled eggs;
  • people that like to experiment;
  • hungry people;


  • 589 calories
  • 48g protein
  • 7g carbs
  • 41g fat

Comments and recommendations:

If you can't afford the calories / fats, you can instead use less butter or no butter at all, that will significantly reduce the fat content.
Many people might say "what the hell, eggs and chocolate? Are you crazy?"
Think about most of the sweets you buy, pancakes, cakes etc.
Those things are all made with eggs and sugar, so really this isn't that much different.Its just missing the flour.
Good luck!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Military Press

The Military Press is a compound pushing movement, mainly targeting the front and middle shoulder heads .
It is performed with a barbell from a standing position.However, there are variations that are performed with dumbbells , kettlebells and there are variations that are performed on a bench/ground.

The barbell standing shoulder press is one of the best exercises to build up the shoulders, but it can also be difficult and dangerous (if not executed with proper technique or if mobility is lacking) .

The Military Press is a test for strength, a guarantee for progress, growth and a challenge for mobility and stability in the shoulders .


The military press requires much, but also gives much.If you have an injury within the shoulder girdle, neck , waist or upper back, the typical standing shoulder press isn't the best way to familiarize yourself with this movement.

Start seated with dumbbells.Work on improving mobility in the shoulders with techniques such as resistance band drills , after a while do the same, but use dumb/kettlebells , or with exercises like the "waiters walk" using dumbbells or kettlebells.

To perform the movement, especially from a standing position, you'll need a strong abdomen and the ability to use it. If you know that your abs are lacking in strength and stability, add isometric exercises to reach the necessary stability and strength in the abdomen .



  • Deltoid, Anterior
  • Synergists
  • Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
  • Triceps Brachii
  • Deltoid, Lateral
  • Trapezius, Middle
  • Trapezius, Lower
  • Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations
  • Dynamic Stabilizers
  • Triceps, Long Head
  • Biceps Brachii, Short Head


  • Trapezius, Upper
  • Levator Scapulae


The variations of the Military Press, graded by difficulty, gym experience and needed shoulder mobility and stability.
Seated Shoulder Press with a 70-80 degree slope.
Can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell.The idea here is that people who don't have the required shoulder mobility or low back strength to be able to lock the bar above their heads, can start with this variation instead.

Seated Shoulder Press with a 90 degree slope/without support
Here we already need basic mobility, a strong enough abdomen and upper back, so the trainee can lock the barbell/dumbbell or kettlebell without needing extra help from the chest or a low back bend.

Standing Shoulder Press
This is the basic military press and is the natural progression from the previous two versions .

Method of execution


  1. Warm up
  2. Grasp barbell from rack or clean barbell from floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width. Position bar in front of neck.


  1. Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.


  • Keep your shoulders retracted! Strive to have your shoulders in so you can guarantee shoulder stability.
  • Keep your core tight through the whole movement. You need to train your core for strength and stability, so you can your spine in a proper position.
  • Push off the ground with your feet by tightening your buttocks to create tension in the lower body.That way you're creating a strong base, something very important for a good Military Press.
  • Lock your body below the bar .Ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles all must be in line. Keep your abs and butt tight at all times, your ribs should not be sticking ahead.
  • If you gently pull the pelvis back while having your abs tight when you're pushing the bar up, this will facilitate the positioning of your spine without unnecessary bends.
  • Keep your elbows under the barbell at all times, strive to move the bar in a straight line.
  • Experiment with thumb less grip.


The Military press is one of the best exercises that one could perform. It is used in training for strength, size and condition.

It is used in bodybuilding, crossfit even street fitness.If you want shoulders of steel and strength like titan Atlas from ancient Greece, shoulder pressing is one of the best things you can do.

The bad thing however is that most people perform this exercise incorrectly.The Military press is not an easy movement and it requires a lot of work and training. Most people should pay attention to their mobility and stability before getting to know the press.

Friday, October 18, 2013


The 21s were firstly introduced in the 60s of the last century. Where and who invented them remains a mystery , but their huge increase in popularity was due mainly to Arnold Schwarzenegger .
And for that reason, when we think of 21s we always imagine those huge vascular guns that Arnold carried

We can see a little showing of the 21s in the movie "Pumping Iron". Arnold also mentions the method in a few of his books. This article , however, is not about Arnold , it's about the method of the 21.

What are the 21s?

Simply said, the method is a prolonged set composed of 14 partial reps and 7 full reps using a weight that is about 50% of your 1RM in the exercise in question.

The partial reps should be executed in this fashion:

  1. 7 reps with a 1/2 amplitude, from starting position to middle point; 
  2. 7 reps with a 1/2 amplitude starting from mid point to final point; 
  3. 7 full range of motion reps.

Example with Barbell Curls

  1. 1-7:start with your arms fully extended, end when your elbows reach a 90 degree angle.Bring arms back to a fully extended position. Repeat
  2. 7-14:start with your elbow at a 90 degree angle, end when you reach peak contraction. Bring elbow back to a 90 degree angle. Repeat
  3. 14-21: Full range of motion, start with your arms fully extended, reach peak contraction.Bring arms back to a fully extended position. Repeat.

The usual pace is 1:0:1:0 = lift:hold:bring down:time between reps . The aim is to complete the set in 40-45 seconds.

Form should be kept clean, some cheating is acceptable on the last 2-3 reps.

When you're performing the 21s, the main goal is to finish all the reps. All the holding at the top, slow negatives and heavy weight here isn't top priority.

Can I use the 21 method on all exercises?

You can use the 21s in isolation exercises, in which the antagonists(the "main" muscles in a particular movement) doesn't require and recruit many other smaller muscles.(eg:Curls)

The exercise should not require the activation of many stabilizers.

The reason is that when fatigue starts to kick in, the sygergists and stabilizers become harder to control thus compromising form and technique.Also after the 20th second nerve fatigue starts to build up as well.

The slower the tempo, the more fatigued you'll get. At the end of the set there is a lactic acid build up as well, which takes the pain to a new level.

When in doubt, strive towards exercises that are easier to control.Example:
Easy to difficult to control  machines > pulleys > bars > dumbbells .

Longer amplitudes predispose better at 21s than shorter ones. For example, Barbell Curls allow for crisper control on the range of motion than something like the Preacher Curl.

Triceps Pulldowns with an extended range of motion are a very good choice for the 21s , while Skull Crushers are not.

If you're unsure about an exercise, you can ask in the comment section below .

The muscle groups that derive the greatest benefits of the 21 method are: biceps , shoulders , quads , rear thigh muscles , calves (maybe with more reps) and finally the chest muscles on a pec-deck machine.

Can everybody utilize the 21 method?

21s are for intermediate and advanced lifters.One should have at least 18 months of training to be able perform them.

Additional requirements are to have a decent level of pain tolerance, so pain can't compromise your form.
Also you should have previous experience with the movement you're going to use the 21s on, and take form into account.

If you're not an beginner, then give up on the 21s.

Do not utilize the method of 21s in movements , which involve injured joints, muscles or tendons.



  1. Select an exercise that covers the requirements listed above.
  2. Warm up with a light weight.


  1. Select a weight around 40-50% of your 1RM or lighter ;
  2. Get into the starting position ;
  3. Do 7 reps low-mid of full ROM ;
  4. On the seventh rep lift to peak of full ROM and hold ;
  5. Continue with another 6 reps, mid-peak of full ROM ;
  6. On the 14th rep take return back to starting position and do another 7 repetitions with full ROM.

Comments and recommendations

  • A constant burning pain is to be expected and completely normal.
  • It is normal for the pain to go beyond the muscles involved in the movement.
  • The pain should subside within 15 seconds after the end of a set.
  • Joint paint is not normal.
  • Pulsating joints aren't normal - muscles are , joints aren't!
  • A cramp is possible, it's not a reason to panic, it just means that any further sets/reps should be terminated.

Lower and peak point

It is important to mention that not everyone has the same range of motion.
My peak point is different from yours, so it's you should find yours and perform the exercise according to your findings.

Some bodybuilders keep constant tension on the worked muscle by compromising ROM, thus not letting the muscle get any "rest" through a set, and they pay for it by experiencing more pain.

When and where should I implement 21s?

21s are great for your final sets/exercises.

It's completely sufficient to utilize the method in one, maximum two of your final sets for a particular muscle group.

This suggests that 21s are best implemented in split routines, within workouts that work 2 adjacent muscle groups - antagonistically.

Example: Biceps and shoulders - a good combination , triceps and shoulders - not so good .
A medium-high consumption of carbohydrates is advised when implementing the method, so the capillarization and glycogen depleting effects can be fully utilized.

The combination of a nitro boosters or other substances with vasodilator properties with 21s will result even stronger effect.

21s are good tool to break plateaus.

What should we expect from the method ?

  • Increased sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, i.e. increase in size;
  • The ability to hold more glycogen, again more size;
  • Increased capillarization as a basis for starting a cut ;
  • High passive muscle tone - muscles seem flexed, even when relaxed. As a result, some joints are partially bent.


  • Carbohydrate dependant method;
  • Split dependent method;
  • Stimulates muscle tightening - without suitable stretching this can lead to functional dis balances due to the reduced joint mobility

The choice of whether and how to include this method in your training routine remains yours .

Have a nice day!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Flexing and Isometrics

When we see someone flexing in the gym, we usually associate that with vanity, self-love and we might even think something like"wow, what a douche bag".
Usually the most irritating people in the gym are the ones that are doing nothing but flexing in front of the mirrors.
But are they really doing nothing?By flexing a muscle, we are engaging that muscle into a form of tension.
Or in other words, flexing is an exercise.An isometric exercise to be precise.

Isometric flexing

Isometric as a concept is derived from the Greek language and it means "to have the same length" - or in other words there is no load reduction. Isometric exercises are activities in which there is no visible change in the muscle during the activity. For example, wearing a bag for a long distance, planking etc. Certain muscles, such as those that hold the lower jaw, keep a constant isometric tention even when resting and that's why they can generate so much force.

Similar actions have been investigated in detail. In 2001 researchers published a detailed outline of a 12-week study of isometric tension in nine healthy men who haven't trained in the last year.

All tested muscles resulted in a similar increase.

Isometrics show a small effect in the contraction of the muscle, yet they actually have a big effect on strength.

The study concluded that there was a direct correlation of the isometric exercises and the increase in strength, size and an improvement concerning the electrochemical reaction within the muscle in question.
So in other words, even though isometrics haven't been compared with the usual weightlifting style of training, the study shows that isometric training can bring results and be an effective workout.

However a comparative study of standard and isometric strength training was conducted, the authors identified strengths and weaknesses in both types of training.It seems that isometrics are better for gaining size, and conventional workouts are better for strength.The final conclusion of the authors is that the body adapts differently to both types training and one can't be completely replaced by the other, both should be implemented and worked in conjunction.


The question is, can just flexing really be an effective workout?
I don't know of any studies on the subject, but there have been popular fitness gurus that support the claim, and in courage its practice.

I've heard of methods that aim to preserve muscle by flexing for minutes at a time.(for example you're on a vacation for two weeks and you're unable to workout)
The goal here is to flex your muscles through the day, you don't need to go into a most muscular pose, just contract the muscle.
And in theory that should slow down the process of losing muscle.

Posing for size

  • Mike Kocsis recommends posing with heavy intensity - 40-50 minute sets(on stages), with 1-2 minutes rest. He recommends really focusing on form and trying to stop the shaking of the muscle in the flexed position. For him it is a complete workout that leads to both consumption of nutrients and cleaning and water loss from the cells thus giving them a better look. After that he recommends cardio.

Flexing between sets

  • David Robson recommends flexing in between sets. He often refers to the quote of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who says he often posed between exercises and considered that it brings "benefits" to the workout. However both are looking at things from a bodybuilders standpoint, their focus is primarily on improving their presentation in front of the judges, in other words they are training to improve their poses first, and I'd imagine they care less about how much that could actually help them in other ways.

  • Ivan Blazquez dives into something similar, he claims that some yoga exercises might have a similar effect.

Even if most of us have a bias against people flexing too much in the gym, we have to accept that it actually can be a valid addition to ones workout.

So it turns out that flexing isn't just that sometimes irritating thing that people do out of vanity and other similar reasons, it is an effective addition to a workout and it definitely can improve results.
So next time you get "caught" flexing, just say "It's a vital part of my routine".

And last but not least, have a nice day.