The Military Press is a compound pushing movement, mainly targeting the front and middle shoulder heads .
It is performed with a barbell from a standing position.However, there are variations that are performed with dumbbells , kettlebells and there are variations that are performed on a bench/ground.
The barbell standing shoulder press is one of the best exercises to build up the shoulders, but it can also be difficult and dangerous (if not executed with proper technique or if mobility is lacking) .
The Military Press is a test for strength, a guarantee for progress, growth and a challenge for mobility and stability in the shoulders .
The military press requires much, but also gives much.If you have an injury within the shoulder girdle, neck , waist or upper back, the typical standing shoulder press isn't the best way to familiarize yourself with this movement.Start seated with dumbbells.Work on improving mobility in the shoulders with techniques such as resistance band drills , after a while do the same, but use dumb/kettlebells , or with exercises like the "waiters walk" using dumbbells or kettlebells.
To perform the movement, especially from a standing position, you'll need a strong abdomen and the ability to use it. If you know that your abs are lacking in strength and stability, add isometric exercises to reach the necessary stability and strength in the abdomen .
Target- Deltoid, Anterior
- Synergists
- Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
- Triceps Brachii
- Deltoid, Lateral
- Trapezius, Middle
- Trapezius, Lower
- Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations
- Dynamic Stabilizers
- Triceps, Long Head
- Biceps Brachii, Short Head
- Trapezius, Upper
- Levator Scapulae
The variations of the Military Press, graded by difficulty, gym experience and needed shoulder mobility and stability.Seated Shoulder Press with a 70-80 degree slope.
Can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell.The idea here is that people who don't have the required shoulder mobility or low back strength to be able to lock the bar above their heads, can start with this variation instead.
Seated Shoulder Press with a 90 degree slope/without support
Here we already need basic mobility, a strong enough abdomen and upper back, so the trainee can lock the barbell/dumbbell or kettlebell without needing extra help from the chest or a low back bend.
Standing Shoulder Press
This is the basic military press and is the natural progression from the previous two versions .
Method of execution
Preparation- Warm up
- Grasp barbell from rack or clean barbell from floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width. Position bar in front of neck.
- Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.
- Keep your shoulders retracted! Strive to have your shoulders in so you can guarantee shoulder stability.
- Keep your core tight through the whole movement. You need to train your core for strength and stability, so you can your spine in a proper position.
- Push off the ground with your feet by tightening your buttocks to create tension in the lower body.That way you're creating a strong base, something very important for a good Military Press.
- Lock your body below the bar .Ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles all must be in line. Keep your abs and butt tight at all times, your ribs should not be sticking ahead.
- If you gently pull the pelvis back while having your abs tight when you're pushing the bar up, this will facilitate the positioning of your spine without unnecessary bends.
- Keep your elbows under the barbell at all times, strive to move the bar in a straight line.
- Experiment with thumb less grip.
The Military press is one of the best exercises that one could perform. It is used in training for strength, size and condition.It is used in bodybuilding, crossfit even street fitness.If you want shoulders of steel and strength like titan Atlas from ancient Greece, shoulder pressing is one of the best things you can do.
The bad thing however is that most people perform this exercise incorrectly.The Military press is not an easy movement and it requires a lot of work and training. Most people should pay attention to their mobility and stability before getting to know the press.
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