Eating enough protein every day plays a big role in being healthy.If your goals are to gain muscle fast while losing fat,become leaner and get stronger your daily protein intake becomes even more important.
Proteins are a "macro nutrient" just like carbohydrates and fats.However protein is not stored in the body like carbohydrates and fats.It is extremely difficult for your body to convert protein into fat, so that almost never happens.Protein either gets:
- Used as energy(If it's not used to maintain, build muscle or any other tissues)
- Turned into glucose
- Peed out(that's rare however.Your kidneys prevent it most of the time)
How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day To Gain Muscle?
- For the majority of people the ideal protein intake is:
More precisely:
- An average male/female aiming for a healthy lifestyle that does not work out or have any fitness goals should consume at least 0.5g of protein per pound of body weight or 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.
- A male/female performing any type of exercise, aiming to build muscle, lose fat, maintain muscle and/or improve performance should consume a minimum of 0.8g of protein per pound of body weight or 1.7g of protein per kilogram of body weight.A general rule of thumb is that 1g of protein per pound of body weight is completely enough.
This may be a little confusing to you so I'm going to make it simple your weight in pounds(1kg=2.2lbs) is the amount of protein you need per day if you're aiming to build muscle and lose fat.
Extremely obese people need to use their target weight instead of their current weight.If you are 150kg(330lbs) and you want to be 100kg(225lbs) use your goal weight to estimate your daily protein intake needs.How To Include Your Protein Intake Into Your Daily Macros.
Each gram of protein contains 4 calories.So lets say you weight 200lbs, you need 200 grams of protein per day which is 800 calories.Different foods have different qualities of protein.

1.00 | casein (milk protein) |
1.00 | egg white |
1.00 | soy protein |
1.00 | whey (milk protein) |
0.99 | mycoprotein |
0.92 | beef |
0.91 | soybeans |
0.78 | chickpeas |
0.76 | fruits |
0.75 | black beans |
0.73 | vegetables |
0.70 | Other legumes |
0.59 | cereals and derivatives |
0.52 | peanuts |
0.42 | whole wheat |

Getting 20grams of protein from eggs and getting 20grams of protein from pop tarts is NOT the same thing.You might say whatever it's still protein right?Well a BMW M6 is a car so is a Lada Samara is a car too yet it's not the same thing.Both have an engine and a gearbox yet there's not even room for comparison.
Aim for the good quality protein foods.
the extreme protein intake is total broscience.
ReplyDeleteunless you're on steroids, more than 1,4g/kg is unnecessary and bad for your kidneys
Meh, as i stated in my post 0.8g/per pound of body weight is sufficient(1.7g per kg)
ReplyDeleteI don't think most people can get enough gains w/o at least 1.7g per kilogram, it's all about genetics, i know people who cannot gain any muscle without consuming 3g per kg and one of them is a certified personal trainer i've talked about this topic with him before posting.And tbh i don't believe more than 1,4g/kg is that bad after all our ancestors used to live on meat and meat only evolution has taken its part.