Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fitness goals and epic mix.

  1. Sup ,this is covering my current state and my future goals.
I'm pretty satistified with my bodyfat at the moment.
Going to go to a lean bulk while doing intermittent fasting at the end of the summer.Pretty much my goals are to gain 2 kilos of lean muscle over the course of 8 months while staying under 15% bodyfat.And maintain after that in my opinion a lot of muscle on a young frame doesn't look very good.Gonna take some pictures and blog them next time i go to the gym.
(credits of the picture go to theshoupguy from
The only supps i'm using are whey protein and a multivitamin.Green tea and fennel tea(to counter bloating).

Thinking of making video blogs aswell in the near future just need to get the hang of this thing first :)).
And As Promised.

1 коментара:

  1. I liked this post very much as it has helped me a lot in my research and is quite interesting as well.
