The Standing Biceps Stretch is a quick and easy stretch for your biceps. To perform the exercise, you do not need any special skills or any tools. The depth of the stretch depends on the flexibility of your shoulders and chest as well. If you are stiff in the chest and shoulder muscles this exercise will serve a dual purpose.
Pectoralis Major, Sternal
Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Clasp hands behind back with palms together. Straighten arms and rotate arms (inside down) so palm turn downward.
Raise arms away from body. Hold stretch for 15-20seconds
Biceps BrachiiOther
Deltoid, AnteriorPectoralis Major, Sternal
Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
According to the position of the body
- Standing while with palms together behind back: this option allows for quick basic stretching;
- Standing with hands apart: The arms are stretched back and slightly to the side, palms are pointing backwards with straight fingers perpendicular to the floor. It is more difficult to learn for beginners because the lack of "control". Here the risk of hyper extension is lower, but the chance of mistaking the technique, resulting in a lack of a real effect is much higher than with the previous one;
- Stretching while leaning forward: a suitable technique for advanced trainees, due to the lower resistance of the chest and shoulders. This variation can be done with hands together or apart.
Method of execution
PreparationClasp hands behind back with palms together. Straighten arms and rotate arms (inside down) so palm turn downward.
Raise arms away from body. Hold stretch for 15-20seconds
The standing biceps stretch is a technique that you can derive benefits from in bodybuilding and fitness workouts for biceps. This stretch can be used before the workout to warm up the muscle, in between sets to stimulate over-recovery and pump and after the workout.Stretching while working out will help your muscles recover better from a set and help with the creation of micro fractures in your muscles which by it self will lead to more gains and we all want more gains.(,