Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dumbbell Arnold Press

The Dumbbell Arnold Press is a multi-joint otherwise known as compound movement with a focus on the shoulder muscles.

This exercise is suitable for intermediate and advanced athletes because of it's kinesiological complex rotation of the shoulder during the its execution. For best results it is to be executed slowly with strict form.


  • If you have a shoulder, rotator cuffs, scapula, elbow or neck injury consult the use of the Arnold press with kinesiologist, physiotherapist or a coach experienced with such type of exercises.
  • In the event of a sharp pain, cramping or a stretch deep in the shoulder muscle, terminate the movement.
  • Do not perform the Arnold press with heavy weight before you're confident in the mobility of your shoulders.

Muscles Involved


  • Deltoid, Anterior
  • Synergists
  • Deltoid, Lateral
  • Supraspinatus
  • Triceps Brachii
  • Trapezius, Middle
  • Trapezius, Lower
  • Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • Triceps, Long Head


  • Trapezius, Upper
  • Levator Scapulae


Variations according to the position of the body

  • Seated - Performed on an incline bench with a 70-80 degrees angle and a 10-15 degrees angle on the seat if possible. Feet are firmly anchored in the ground or on logs. Suitable option for intermediate and advanced.
  • Standing - the body is standing straight , core is tight. The technique allows for cheating by using your legs and glutes. The benefits for intermediate lifters here aren't that many. This variation is suitable for advanced exercisers with good core strength.

Although the goal of the Arnold  press is not to lift heavy weight, but to work with moderately heavy weight stricter execution predisposes for sarcoplasmic increase in mass and strength endurance training. The power lift for the shoulders is namely the Military press, it is best to save the really heavy weight for that movement.

Method of execution of the seated Arnold Press


Move the bench in front of a mirror.
Adjust the slope of the bench.
Make sure you can arch your back slightly when you have positioned your feet on the ground, if you are unable to do so put a disc under your feet.
Warm-up with a light weight.
Use your knees to help clean the dumbbells up to the starting position.


  • Initiate movement by bringing elbows out to sides. Continue to raise elbows outward while pressing dumbbells overhead until arms are straight. Lower to front of shoulders in opposite pattern and repeat.
  • Before you lower the arms to the starting position on the way back, pull the shoulder blades down and inward towards your spine.

Comments and recommendations

  • The proper execution here is much more important than the weight. If you feel that your technique breaks down, do not hesitate to replace dumbbells with a smaller number. 
  • Attempts to failure here must be done strictly with a spotter who can hold the dumbbells / elbows / wrists. Otherwise, the risk of injury is great.
  • Terminate the movement if you lose control/stabilization in your core while moving the weight upwards in the standing variation of the Dumbbell Arnold Press.


Fitness and Bodybuilding
You can include this exercise as a first or a second main movement into your routine for mass and as a first exercise in routines for condition.

Administration in power and strength-conditioning workouts
The movement is too isolated to be incorporated as a main movement into powerlifting routines.
Consider alternatives like the Kettlebell One Arm Military press, Barbell Military Press etc.

Fitness and Bodybuilding
A good choice for mass and strength endurance, suitable as a second movement in a routine for bulking and as a first movement in routines aiming to cut down.

Cross Fit
This is not recommended for crossfit athlethes namely because of its isolation character.

This movement can be performed with certain types of bands, or Indian push ups can be performed as the movement is relatively close to the Arnold Press.

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