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Sunday, January 27, 2013


The deadlift is one of the best and a core exercise for building muscle mass and density across the back and legs.The deadlift is one of the best back strengthing exercises it's also a good workout for your legs, it is included in most of the proper workout routines.Any athlete seriously involved into the fitness franchise performs this exercise, almost every certified personal fitness trainer will include this exercise into his clients workout programs. When carried out properly, the deadlift can bring serious progress and fast muscle gain. But improper technique or trying to lift too much weight can lead to serious injuries.
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It is advisable to first master the proper technique of the deadlift exercise and then increase the weight. It is important to keep good form even on warm-up sets. For proper implementation of the deadlift some flexibility is needed (especially the Achilles tendons,the muscles on the back of the thighs and buttocks),  if  there is an absence of such a flexibility it is recommended to stretch before performing the exercise.
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With heavier weights you could use weight lifting straps, as in most cases the weight will cause the forearms to fail before the back therefore the back won't be stressed enough. A weight lifting belt can be used as well, such a belt adds additional stability to the lower back. But its use should be limited to heavy weight sets to prevent the muscles from getting acustomed to the weight lifting belt.
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The width and the type of the grip are important factors for muscle loading, so choose an option that is the most convenient. You should have your feet roughly shoulder width apart.
The ordinary deadlift recruits the erectors, glutes, quadriceps, back of thighs, lateral and traps muscles and forearms.personal trainer certification schools

Muscles Involved


  • Erector Spinae


  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Adductor Magnus
  • Quadriceps
  • Soleus

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • Hamstrings
  • Gastrocnemius


  • Trapezius, Middle
  • Trapezius, Upper
  • Levator Scapulae
  • Rhomboids

Antagonist Stabilizers

  • Rectus Abdominis
  • Obliques


  • Deadlift with legs straight (Roman deadlift) - Recruits the lower back, but the main stress falls on the back of the thighs and buttocks. Here the weight is usually lighter than the ordinary deadlift. This option can be performed in leg workouts, after leg curls. 
Deadlifts with straight legs can be: classical and roman. In classical one powered the weight hangs freely throughout the whole exercise (when bent) it is 50 to 60 cm in front of your feet. Classical deadlifts causes more strain on the lower back because the center of gravity is shifted forward.
Therefore, the preferred option is a straight leg Roman deadlift. In this variation the weight is near your feet throughout the exercise and you're not allowing it to swing, even in the lower position. So you have to work a little with your hands steering. Roman deadlifts put less strain on the lower back. Whether it's Roman or classical - the muscles involved are the same. The difference is only in the lower back straining.

  • Deadlift type "Sumo"(sumo deadlifts) - is widely used by power lifters. Legs wide apart, feet pointing outwards. Thus the main load falls on the legs and buttocks with less involvement of the back. Grip is narrower than normal

  • Upper (partial) deadlift - only the upper part of the range of motion is performed, this variation is oriented toward a greater load on the upper back muscles and traps.

  • Deadlift with dumbbells - technique is like a regular deadlift. This variation is easy to implement.

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Method of execution


With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly wider over hand or mixed grip.


Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. 

Slowly and controlled return to the starting position.Repeat.


  • Deadlift can significantly burden the waist, especially in with heavier weights and improper form. Until you get used to the movement, it is advisable perform it with light weights.
  • Perform the exercise slowly and precisely, without swinging the body. Keep your back straight throughout. Otherwise, you will easily get your injury or the lower back and the spine that are strained significantly and are very vulnerable. If you can not keep the weight with your back straight, lower the weight.Leave your ego out of the gym when performing this exercise.
  • Look forward throughout. If you bend or lift your head high there's a risk of a spine injury, though not as great as a  rocking body and a curved back.
  • Do not use your arms to pull the weight up. Your hands should just be holding the bar nothing more arms should be inactive.
  • If you're performing a variation where you're bending your legs,bend them to the point where your thighs and lower legs are at a straight angle(90 °). Do not bend legs further as you turn it into a squat exercise.
  • Do not lock out your knees. This will put unnecessary strain on your knees, and you will lose muscle load. Stretch legs almost, but not entirely.
  • If you're performing the straight leg variations, don't lean too much, especially if you use heavy weights. Some bodybuilders even prefer to perform the deadlift on a bench so they can go lower. But the more you bend, the more you strain your lower back.
  • Always warm-up well, especially before heavy sets. The load on the muscles and joints will be very large, and in can easily lead to an injury.

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The deadlift is an excellent exercise, developing strength and mass on the lower back and hamstrings.You can see them in tons of bodybuilder training videos, included in most of the personal trainer programs it's an amazing exercise. It may be beneficial to bodybuilders at any experience level.
However since it is a dangerous exercise,it's best not to implement it in your training if you are a beginner. You can "try" deadlift workouts occasionally, with light weights.
Include them into your workouts only after you've gained some knowledge and experience in the gym.
Do not do them if you are recovering from injury or you're prone to such.
Where in your leg workout you will choose to perform it it's your choice.
It's usually in the end of back training workouts(because lower back strain) or leg workouts (because of the strained tensors, and hips).
If performed right the deadlift can transform your body.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Losing Weight And A Healthier Lifestyle.The Right Way.Part 1

A huge percentage of the people that are dieting/cutting/trying to lose weight are doing it wrong.This post will be divided into two parts, the first one(this one) will be for people that are obese,close to being obese(25%+ body fat for men and 32%+ for women) or people that are just wanting to change to a healthier lifestyle and the second one will be for people that are at safer body fat percentages and are just trying to slim down to show that six pack or whatever reason there might be.
So let's get started!
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Obesity can increase the risks of many medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer, it lowers our confidence, makes us feel miserable.Nobody likes being obese, so what do we do?
Try to get rid of that pesky fat of course.

The Misconception About Losing Weight

But there's a problem.Most people think that the only way to lose fat is to stop eating completely or buy a magical pill or a piece of clothing that will melt that fat like butter.
Such things DO NOT exist.This is being caused by all the bullshit that the media is spreading just so people that haven't done their research can waste hundreds even thousands of dollars on completely useless piece of junk scams and go on impossible diets that will only destroy their metabolism.

Crash diets

Crash diets are not the way to go.
Crash-dieting will cause your body to go catabolic which means that it will use not only your fat but your muscles for energy as well, you will only end up losing muscle tissue and damaging your metabolism.
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What are you doing wrong?

The typical diet of an obese/unhealthy person consists of tons of fried foods like french fries, potato chips etc. sugar filled beverages and foods like soda, candy bars,chocolate bars you name it.Foods filled with fats and carbohydrates, substances that the body uses for energy.
When there is no exercise present the human body stores those substances as fat for later use.
Just because those foods are calorie dense doesn't mean that they're filling, i doubt any of you will satisfy your hunger with a chocolate bar.
A 200 gram chicken breast contains the same amount of calories as a snickers bar, which one do you think will be more filling?You guessed it the chicken breast.
So you can be eating more food than before and lose weight.
You'll just have to eat healthier types of foods, the way most processed foods that you buy from stores like potato chips etc. are made to make you crave more and more, think about it have you ever eaten a potato chip and didn't crave more after?
I'm sure most of you know this by now, and you've tried to change but you've failed because you tried to give it all up at once.
Now that we've got that covered let's get to the point.
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How Should You Approach Losing Weight And A Healthy Lifestyle.

You'll go through a "transition" that will be in 4 "phases" with each phase taking one week, each week you'll be increasing exercise levels and exchanging something unhealthy for a healthier alternative.
Losing weight is all about consuming less calories than you expend.This will make it easy.
Phase 1-Week 1:Getting rid of drinks high calorie drinks.
Alternate 15-20 minutes of walking  with 6 sets of 20 rope jumps fasted before breakfast.
Monday you walk.
Tuesday you jump rope.
Wednesday you walk.
You can substitute those with bicycling, swimming, or any other sport you like.
Any type of soda, coke etc.PB, ice cream shakes,frappuccino,mocha,hot chocolates etc. any type of alcohol.
Water, tea, diet soda, diet coke, skim milk latte, cappucino, skim milk.
Fruit juices


You can have any of the drinks under the Remove: tab once a week, but do it in moderation, avoid it if possible.It might not seem like a big deal but a Burger King Chocolate Ice Cream Shake contains over 140g of sugar and 900 calories, a can of coca cola contains 40g of sugar and over 140 calories, A cup of orange juice has the same amount of calories as fresh 5 oranges.If you're serious about losing weight you will stop your alcohol intake, alcohol beverages are extremely high in calories, empty calories.
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Phase 2-Week 2:Getting rid of fried foods.
Alternate 20-25 minutes of morning walking before breakfast with 6 sets of 30 rope jumps.
Monday you walk.
Tuesday you jump rope.
Wednesday you walk.
You can exchange those with bicycling, swimming, and any type of sport you like.

French fries, fried potato chips, munchies etc. fried foods in general, white bread;
Salads, baked potato chips, rice crackers, low fat yogurts, whole wheat black bread, nuts, vegetables
Nuts, rice crackers, bread.


You can have any of the Removed foods twice a week in moderation don't go eating a whole bag of potato chips etc.Have like 25g.Most of the fried foods can be cooked some other way, just avoid frying.Vegetables are filled with fibre and will fill you up, and salads are just great all around low calorie and amazingly filling.
Eat at least two vegetables every day.

Phase 3-Week 3:Getting rid of foods filled with sugar.
Alternate 25-30 minutes of morning walking before breakfast with 6 sets of 35 rope jumps.
Monday you walk.
Tuesday you jump rope.
Wednesday you walk.
You can exchange those with bicycling, swimming, and any type of sport you like.
Cakes, candies, chocolate bars, ice cream anything filled with sugar you name it.
Fruits , low fat granola, oats, muesli, low fat fruit yogurts;
Muesli, granola, oats.


You can have sugar free ice cream bars,sugar free candies etc. every second day in moderation again don't go eating 5 sugar free ice cream bars have just one to satisfy your cravings, avoid it if you're not really craving it.Limit muesli, granola, oats have them for breakfast, use calorie free sweeteners.Have eat least 2 fruits a day.personal fitness trainer

Phase 1-Week 4:Getting rid of fast foods.
Alternate 30-35 minutes of morning walking before breakfast with 6 sets of 45 rope jumps.
Monday you walk.
Tuesday you jump rope.
Wednesday you walk.
You can exchange those with bicycling, swimming, and any type of sport you like.
Burgers, pizzas any type of fast food you name filled with mayo, fried foods, fat you name it.
Healthier alternatives, lean meats, eggs, fish, beans, high protein lean foods.
Have unhealthy fast food only if you do not have anything else available and you're really hungry.

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Okay this doesn't mean that you'll just stay hungry while you're out with your friends and they're feasting on subway sandwiches.Pick your food wisely, have a turkey breast or a roast beef sub, limit your sauces get a diet soda and you're good to go.

Week 5-Moving on
Once you've made it this far, you'll have shed off a big amount of that fat, you'll be living a healthier lifestyle, feeling better, feeling mode confident already. By now you'll have some knowledge about nutrition and exercise. Start jogging, join a sports club, continue with your healthy lifestyle.


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  • Again do not crash diet, I can't stress this enough.
  • Just because you're dieting and eating healthy doesn't mean you can stuff your face with food 24/7, many people make the mistake of over eating because they started exercising, eat in moderation.
  • Don't keep munchies in your house, if it's there you'll eat it.
  • Don't over eat on your cheat meals.
  • Don't be on the "i better eat up because i won't be having this anymore" mentality and ruin your fat loss in between weeks, you are not giving anything up you're just eating less and in moderation.


  • Add resistance training to your regime.Consider something like my Three Month Circuit Workout Plan , Ghetto Workouts .Resistance training will tone your body and greatly aid your weight loss.
  • Combine your regime with something like Intermittent fasting
  • Do some research on nutrition, use calorie calculators to get a good estimate on how much you can eat.
  • There are tons of healthy recipes out there, most of what you eat now has a healthy alternative.Make use of them.
  • This is not only for obese people, it can be for anyone trying to be healthier.


As I said earlier you're not really giving anything up you're just vacations
There is no point in jumping into impossible diets, our bodies are very good at adapting, your crash diet might work for a while but in the long run it will fail, your body will adapt and the weigh loss will vacations
Using this method will make it harder for your body to adapt and also making it much easier on you.
You will lose more weight by dropping your calories slightly over a longer period of time than dropping them instantly because once your body adapts the weight loss process will slow down and eventually stop plus you need the will force and mentality of a monk to change your eating habits over night.

Good luck!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pull Ups With Resistance Bands

The pull-up is a compound exercise that recruits several muscle groups in the torso and arms, and thereby it consumes a lot of energy. There are many variations to performing pull ups. In this article we will talk about all the variations of a pull up with the assistance of resistance bands.

Like the classic version of the pull up, in the assisted pull up the broad back muscles do most of the work.The same muscle groups are being recruited.

Muscles involved:


  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Synergists
  • Brachialis
  • Brachioradialis
  • Biceps Brachii
  • Teres Major
  • Deltoid, Posterior
  • Infraspinatus
  • Teres Minor
  • Rhomboids
  • Levator Scapulae
  • Trapezius, Lower
  • Trapezius, Middle
  • Pectoralis Minor

Dynamic Stabilizers

  • Triceps, Long Head


According to the type of grip.

  • Wide pronated grip:The focus is on the wide back muscles - in this variation the best place to put the bands is either under your knee or under your feet;
  • Wide behind neck pronated grip: back loading is complex, focused on the middle of the trapezoidal muscles - band should be stationed on the right/left ankle;
  • Shoulder width pronated grip:The focus is on the inner sections of the wide back muscles and rhomboids - the resistance band is stationed the same way as the wide pronated grip;
  • With a narrow supinated: focusing on inner sectors of the broad back muscles and biceps - the band is placed under the knee or below left/right foot.(depending on the length of the resistance band).
  • With a neutral grip: focuses on the average domestic sector of broad back muscles and biceps - band in placed under the knee, between the upper part/under left/right foot.

Method of execution


  1. Place the rubber band at your desired location.
  2. Step up and grasp the bar with your desired grip.


  1. Pull body vertically up, try not to swing. For this purpose, try not to move your feet back and forth.
  2. As you go pull yourself higher the help that the elastic band provides will decrease, continue pulling up until your chin is over the bar.
  3. Lower body until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat.


  • Make sure you warm-up your shoulder and back muscles before performing this exercise.
  • If you put in a resistance band under the knee, pushing down on it with your knee can give you more power at a certain point;
  • If you're placing the band under some soft/sensitive arena place a tissue or a towel under the bad itself to prevent any pain when descending.
  • Start with bands with higher resistance and work your way up by lowering the resistance, usually the darker the band is the more resistance it wields.


  • The pull ups with the assistance of resistance bands are suitable for all beginners who for one reason or another can not perform pull-ups with good form. 
  • This exercise is best put in as a first exercise in a back workout for beginner fitness enthusiasts and intermediate trainees performing a circuit workout because it is very taxing and an overall great compound movement to start a back workout with.